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Thermo Type Quad 12M Slitter

ALI Reference #: 105845

Thermo Type Quad 12M Slitter

Great machine for producing business cards to increase productivity. This is another great offering from Asset Liquidity's offset and bindery equipment.
  • Business Cards: 2" x 3.5"
  • Slitting 12-up business cards with four sided bleeds: 9" x 12" stock
  • 12-up business card slit from sheets in a two-pass process
  • Running a common top fold format Run up to 30,000 3.5" wide card strips per hour, producing 60,000 foldover business cards
  • Slit, Score and Perf: A wide range of products can be efficiently slit, scored and/or perforated on the Super Quad-12. Tooling can be pre-configured in cassettes for common formats, or tooling can be installed and adjust by the operator for non-standard formats.
  • Common applications: include; tickets (with or without perforated stubs), flat/folded tags, post/direct mail cards, greeting cards, announcement and invitations, etc.
  • Electrical: 120 Volts 5 Amps Single Phase